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How to measure the speed of the Load Template Blogger

Speed in loading a page Blog is important that as a measure of the quality of our Blog. But keep in mind speed or not in accessing the blog page is also influenced by the slow or fast connection from the Internet. we should be able to minimize the load time of your blog page to make it faster. One way is to do a compress on your blog template so that the size of the blog can be reduced weight and loading will increase rapidly even though compress blog sometimes not be the right choice because sometimes view template will be broken or some feature template that ultimately does not work. Here we tell how to measure the loading speed of your blog template is in 2 ways:

Knowing the speed of the blog with PageSpeed Insight 

This method is a way to use the facilities of google is in the following way : 
At PageSpeed Insight  you'll see blog loading speed if the access of the Mobile and Desktop, they also provide data that menyebapkan whatever, heavy loading of your blog and anything what you should fix. If the loading speed of your blog 75/100, it means normal. But if the loading speed of your blog under 75/100, meaning your blog including blogs heavy loading. You should fix as soon as possible. And if the loading speed of your blog above 75/100, meaning your blog so fast loading
PageSpeed Insight Google
PageSpeed Insight

 Knowing the speed of loading Blog with Gtmetrix

As PageSpeed GTMetrix Insight is a tool for measuring the speed of the measurement results in Blogs but Gtmatrix sufficiently accurate and complete. In addition, this tool is also free and easy to use. It looks elegant and easy to understand. How do I use the GT Metrix to know the speed of loading Blog? It's easy once you enter must have known what to do.
  • Sign in to 
  • Enter the address of your blog page in the space provided 
  • Wait until until completion. 
  • Then you will know how extravagant your blog. the smaller the percentage, the slower your blog.
 Nah ok now you know your blog load speed and How the results? Blogger regards tipseven
Source: seocips



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