35 Prohibition SEO. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, Why SEO becomes important, Most and nearly 90% of internet users use search engines to get the information they want. For an online business, terindeksnya website into a search engine such as Google and Yahoo, had to be done. As well as any websites created, if not indexed by search engines can be said to be less good and optimal.
In an effort to increase traffic and deliver the contents of your blog readers to be optimized it, but in the pursuit of this, the required knowledge and understanding in order not to violate the prohibition of SEO.
- Duplicate Content
- Keyword Stuffing
- Hidden text (Hiddent Text to add keyword in the content)
- Content is not genuine or Copy Paste
- Pay for Publishing a link
- Choose a title that not correlations with the content on the page
- Using default or vague titles like "Untitled" or "Page 1"
- Using the title tag on every page of the site or a large group of pages
- Using a very long titles that do not help users
- Enter keywords that are not needed in your title tag
- Write a description meta tag that has nothing to do with the content on the page
- Using a general description such as "This is a webpage" or "Page about school"
- Filling the description with only keywords / too much
- Copy and paste the entire contents of the document into the description meta tag
- Using a single description meta tag on all pages of your site or a large group of pages
- Using a long URL with parameters and session IDs that do not need
- Using the design of the 404 pages that is not consistent with the rest of your site
- Write text with careless with spelling and grammatical errors that many
- Embedding text in images for textual content (users may want to copy and paste the text and search engines can not read it)
- Great content without paragraph, subheading, or layout separation
- Repeating (or even copying) existing content that will bring extra value to users
- Choosing a generic page name such as "page1.html"
- Using excessive keywords like "pants-in-panties-in-pants-dalam.htm"
- Having subdirectory in like "... / dir1 / dir2 / dir3 / dir4 / dir5 / dir6 /page.html"
- Using the directory name that has nothing to do with the content in it
- Have a page of subdomains and root directory (eg "domain.com /page.htm" and "sub.domain.com / page.htm")
PROHIBITION SEO - WWW and non-WWW both can be accessed and used for internal link structure
- Using odd capitalization in the URL (the URL generally use lowercase and remember that this is my best)
- Creating complex navigation and links eg linking every page to all other pages.
- Page went to the sea (it takes twenty clicks to get content)
- Having a navigation based entirely on drop-down menu with images or animations
- Allowing HTML sitemap page is out of date with broken links
- Creating an HTML sitemap page that simply lists without organizing them, for example like this
- Allowing 404 pages indexed in search engines (make sure that the webserver is configured to give a 404 HTTP status requested page does not exist)
- Only give a vague message like "Not found", "404", or no 404 page at all when a page is not found.
Thus the prohibition of SEO in your blog or website, you may avoid this prohibition so that your SEO friendly in the search.
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