Sex Tips To Avoid Pregnancy. Couples who delay pregnancy certainly have a variety of reasons. There are young couples who have not been ready physically and mentally to have a baby to couples who delay the baby for work reasons. Are noteworthy, by delaying pregnancy lovemaking when there are many. You have to find a proper way so that the couple are comfortable and households remain harmonious.
Pregnancy occurs as a result of sperm fertilises the egg in the vagina. But not all the sex can result in pregnancy. Therefore, you need to first understand the purpose and reason to delay pregnancy for some way to make love to not get pregnant have different effects - different.
Here are some ways to make love to not get pregnant that serves to delay pregnancy:
- Knowing the fertile period. Some couples prefer to use a calendar system or knowing the fertile period to delay pregnancy. This method is quite effective natural way. Fertile period is a time when the egg in the womb mature and ready to be fertilized. For your information, the woman's fertile period occurs at day 14 prior to the time coming months. By calculating the fertile period or menstrual cycle, a couple can determine the right time to make love. To avoid pregnancy, couples can have sex outside the fertile period. You can fuck 1- 5 days after menstruation because your spouse at the time the egg has not been formed.
- Sex positions. Sex positions can also be a powerful way to not get pregnant. Couples can seek sex positions that do not allow the fertilization. Some health experts, mention sex position to stand up to women on top can reduce tejadinya fertilization.
- Using contraception. You can use a contraceptive to prevent fertilization in the vagina. Commonly used contraceptive is condom. Condom prevents sperm from entering the vagina. Condom itself has been present for men and women. Many who avoid condoms because they reduce the enjoyment of sex. Though condoms from time to time have undergone rapid development even comes with innovative shapes and flavors. Condoms became contraceptives most simple and convenient to prevent pregnancy. Weakness damage condoms because condoms are leaking, expired or is not a good way to save. Good quality condom is a condom that still have a long expiry date and stored in a safe place from damage, which is not a safe place to store condoms one of which is the wallet because wallets terduduki and damaged cartilage.
- Coitus interruptus. This method is often used to be the way that couples in this modern era. This method becomes natural methods that rely on the husband's ability to control ejaculation. This method requires the husband's sperm outside the vagina wife. Unfortunately ways, including some ways to make love to not get pregnant this success is not 100% effective in preventing pregnancy. Sometimes there are sperm left in the vagina and can lead to pregnancy.
Not to mention how coitus interruptus is also at risk for men ejaculate because during penetration and intercourse the penis and body are no longer trained to perform sex as normal and natural, but not uncomfortable at having to unplug the penis when the penis will ejaculate.
After all the way in to say, now everything is back again to you and your partner, which will choose a suitable way to delay pregnancy, without reducing pleasure during sexual intercourse. Hope it is useful.
After all the way in to say, now everything is back again to you and your partner, which will choose a suitable way to delay pregnancy, without reducing pleasure during sexual intercourse. Hope it is useful.
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